Program Schedule for the 2024-2025 Season
Presentations are all on second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm and generally last about an hour. A potluck supper will be held before each program, at 6 pm. All are invited to attend!
October 8: Bat Conservation: Myths and Truths, presented by Shari Blissett-Clark, President, Florida Bat Conservancy
November 12: Underwater Odyssey, presented by Kristin Health, science educator, photographer and scuba diver
December 10: Florida Wildlife Studios, presented by Jacque Palomaki, Florida wildlife and landscape artist and musician, and Chip Newton, photographer and musician.
January 14: Raptor Rescue, presented by Nancy Murray, President, Raptor Center of Tampa Bay
February 11: Garden Bugs, presented by Cissy Stank, Education Manager at Bok Tower Gardens
March 11: Feathered Jewels, the Amazing World of Hummingbirds, presented by Reinier Munguia, President, Lake Region Audubon Society, photographer
Got news? Your recent local birding and nature-related news could fit here! Contact Please put Ridge Audubon in the subject.
Upcoming Events
Our first program of the season will be on Tuesday, October 8th at 7 pm, preceded by a potluck supper at 6. Presentation title and details will be entered here when they become available. Everyone is welcome to attend!
In July, Audubon helped rescue and later release two screech owls in the Lake Wales area. They had spent three months of rehabilitation in St Petersburg.
Lake Region Audubon Society
Bird Club schedule for the '24 - '25 season will be posted here when
it becomes available